Tag: motorcycle touring

Adventure on 2 Wheels

Adventure on 2 Wheels

Motorcycle riders develop a sixth sense for road hazards. Learning to ride in Ireland, I developed a healthy respect for slick, windy roads, and the need to share the road with occasional sheep or cattle grazing “the long meadow” (the grass strip along the edge of the road). All this honed my reaction time. But it really did not prepare me for my biggest adventure on 2 wheels: 9 months around India on a 350cc Enfield India Bullet. Hazards included rickshaws, camel carts, elephants, and more bicycles, trucks and buses than I had ever seen in my whole life to date. More on that soon…

Over the years I’ve explored a lot on 2 wheels, both on my own bikes, friends’ bikes, and rental bikes. I’ve also commuted by bike in London, Edinburgh, and here in San Francisco.

So I thought it might be fun to look back at some of those great (and in some cases not so great – click on photos for details!) sets of wheels…

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